The iOS Developer Community Survey


I’ve wanted to run a survey like this for years. At the end of last year I decided to actually get it done, and here are the results! 🚀

Thank you to everyone who contributed by filling in the survey, without all of you this wouldn’t exist. Enough talk though, I know what you’re all waiting for so let’s get right to it. Here are the results of the 2019 iOS Developer Community Survey!

What’s available today is just the start of what I’d like this project to become. I’m releasing all of the raw data today, along with a few initial analysis articles. I’ll be writing more articles myself over the coming weeks, but as this is a community survey I want to make sure it’s not just my opinion reflected here. So, if you either have ideas for questions that this data might be able to answer, or if you’d like to write something yourself, let me know.